Big Drop Brewing Co.

Big Drop Brewing Pine Trail Alcohol-Free Pale Ale (6 pack)


Escape the Ordinary: Big Drop Brewing Pine Trail Alcohol-Free Pale Ale

Forget ho-hum alcohol-free beers. Big Drop Brewing's Pine Trail is a revelation, a delightful dance of fresh hops and citrus that explodes on your senses from the first pour to the last satisfying sip. This award-winning brew (World's Best Pale Ale in 2020!) proves that flavor knows no ABV limits.

A Symphony of Scents and Sips: Unpacking the Trail

Crack open a can of Pine Trail, and rosy floral aromas swirl around you like a secret garden awakening. As you pour, the golden liquid shimmers, hinting at the sunshine waiting within. Take that first sip, and prepare to be transported:

  • Light and limey citrus bursts across your palate, a refreshing zing that dances with the subtle sweetness of ripe berries.
  • Mosaic and Amarillo hops whisper their magic, weaving a delicate bitterness that keeps you reaching for another sip.
  • Magnum hops sing a final serenade, lingering on your tongue with a smooth, balanced finish that leaves you wanting more.

Beyond the Sip: A Feast for All Senses

Big Drop Pine Trail isn't just a beer; it's an experience. Savor it chilled, letting the vibrant flavors paint a picture in your mind: the sun-dappled forest floor, the scent of pine needles on the breeze, the sweet tang of citrus dripping from ripe fruit.

Explore the Trail: Big Drop Pine Trail Awaits

Crafted with natural ingredients and innovative brewing techniques, Pine Trail is vegan-friendly and low in calories. It's perfect for:

  • Designated drivers and teetotalers seeking a sophisticated sipper
  • Health-conscious individuals craving a burst of flavor
  • Anyone who appreciates a well-crafted, award-winning beer

Ready to ditch the ordinary and explore the extraordinary? Big Drop Brewing Pine Trail Alcohol-Free Pale Ale awaits. Order yours today and embark on a sensory adventure beyond the limits of ABV.


Calories, 60
Sugar, 0
Carbohydrates, 14
Fat, 0
Sodium, 0
Protein, 2

Ingredients: Hops,

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